Breaking News! Mayor of Mexican fishing town ‘marries’ crocodile bride #News The mayor of a southern Mexican fishing town, “married” a crocodile in a traditional ceremony that is believed to...
#WhatCROCODILESeat #FOOD #ΦΟΟΔ #corecodilefood #EAT #News The question should not be what does a crocodile eat. The question should instead be what a crocodile doesn’t...
#CRC for #Corecodile @corecodile #News Crocodiles are intelligent and social animals that communicate in many ways. A group of crocodiles in water is called a float, and a group on land is called a bask....
EST.NOW #News Not yesterday. Not years ago. Not this morning. Not few minutes ago. Not tomorrow. ESTABLISHED NOW #CORECODILE #wearehereforitandthatall