Pixadores [2014] Film
PIXADORES is a movie about young men living in the edges of São Paulo, Brazil. Pixacao street-art leads their lives. Painters write overwhelming cryptic messages in places hard to get to, such as walls of tall buildings. Nightly painting is their way to rebel and a proof of their existence.
PIXADORES is the directorial debut documentary of the Iranian-born Amir Arsames Escandaris’ (born in 1979, moved to Finland at a young age).
It’s a Finnish-Danish-Swedish co-producted and it was cinematographer by Peter Flickenberg.
Djan, William, Biscoito and Ricardo are unemployed, or spend their day time in heavy-lifting jobs. Night time they paint and train-surf. Pixacao is everything to them. Out-of-nowhere invitation to Berlin’s Biennaale as artists change their lives. Even the thought of travel is a huge step for the men. In Berlin, the heart of European art-culture, the pixadores have to make their decision of who they are and what they are doing, as painters, let alone as a family.
Official trailer:
The movie was released 4 years ago, in November 2014, but nowadays is on a German tour curated by Blackstreets Magazine (http://www.blackstreets-magazine.com)
This piece is written by: https://www.instagram.com/apostoliswak/