#Corecodiles on Tour #Music

Ramones Museum Berlin

The Ramones Museum Berlin is the only museum of its kinds in the world devoted entirely to the  history of the New York punk band known as “The Ramones”. Founded in 2005, the museum moved from Kreuzberg to Krausnickstrasse in the district of Mitte in October 2008. The museum’s founder is music journalist Flo Hayler, who saw the Ramones for the first time live in 1990, spent time with the band members and soon began to collect anything and everything to do with the Ramones.

The exhibition is structured partly chronologically and partly based on specific themes. All of the items on display are presented in English, and many of the 300 objects originate from individual band members themselves. For example, a signed pair of jeans once worn by guitarist Johnny Ramone (1948–2004) are on display as well as many hand-signed concert posters, records, set lists, rare T-shirts, a microphone stand and promo items from over three decades of music history. The Ramones Museum is a must for diehard fans of the band, which was founded in 1974 and is often referred to as the “first punk band in music history”. The museum also houses a small fan shop and a café.
Info/text by https://www.museumsportal-berlin.de

But if you want to know more about it, check it

#Corecodilesontour visited the Ramones museum in Berlin sharing wiv ya the photos of this historic venue:

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All Photos by #Crocodile JAN 2017 @Berlin
The Museum was about to move to a new location the day these photos were taken.
Feel free to download/save and use the photos any way you like.




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