Corecodile 2014 logo Sweyda

Handmade by? @sweyda

This was what we got when we asked Sweyda to create something rocking a crocodile for the Corecodile.
Since that day many more styles and artworks came up. But this handmade one will always be the 1st one in the line.
Shout Out for and few words from Sweyda :
My passion has been and always will be to create! I am an illustrator first, focused on my craft and always in the posture of a student.
I gave birth to SWEYDA in 2009 with the following ideals: Quality over quantity and passion over profits.  This affords me the ability to focus on the art and push my craft to new frontiers.
My disciplines are as follows: Custom / hand lettering, Custom illustrations and apparel / merchandise development! I serve brands big and small so let’s get to it!

more at:Sweyda

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